College and University Trademark Services


College and university trademarks are critical intellectual property assets

Threshold Counsel helps schools protect and defend these assets by registering college and university names, logos, and mascots.  We also help with licensing and enforcement matters relating to online confusion, educational services, and apparel and merchandise licensing.  A thorough assessment of your college or university’s trademarks, registrations, and enforcement plans can quickly clarify points for better management or assure you that your institution is on the right course.

These assets include:

School Names and Nicknames

The name of an established college or university, and its nicknames has trademark value reaching well beyond diplomas and class rings.  It resonates into areas of merchandise and apparel, associated services, affiliations with local and regional businesses, alumni and fundraising activities.  An active registration and enforcement program is necessary.

School Mascots

From UGa to Sparty, Brutus to Bevo, college mascots are not only beloved on the sidelines, they can represent big business in merchandise and licensing.  Threshold Counsel’s trademark lawyers will help protect these assets through registrations and enforcement.

Designs and Logos

How a school’s name, nickname, or mascot illustrations are presented are another key part of the institution’s overall branding.  Design and logo marks should also be protected by registration of these marks.


Contact Threshold to discuss identification, registration, and protection of your school’s trademark assets.